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Showing posts from October, 2020

Flower power: Covid restrictions fuel boom in plant and bulb sales

Sales of medicinal plants such as echinacea have risen by almost 3,000% at some outlets Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage As winter approaches, the pandemic continues and spending time outdoors seems less appealing, how can you still get your fix of nature? By bringing the outdoors inside, or at least that’s what soaring plant sales seem to suggest. Latest figures show there has been a huge increase in the number of people buying plants and bulbs during lockdown, and medicinal plants have proven particularly popular. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Chocolate sales soar as UK shoppers comfort eat at home amid Covid

Annual spend up £50m driven by multipacks and ‘sharing bars’, but smaller bars decline Spending on chocolate has soared by £50m year on year, powered by sales of chocolate bars bought in supermarkets to eat at home. The increase in sales of multipacks and large “sharing bars” has offset a dip in sales of single bars, often impulse buys to eat on the go, from newsagents and other outlets. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Yitzhak Rabin: ‘He never knew it was one of his people who shot him in the back’

Twenty-five years after the death of the Israeli prime minister, those who were there recall the night two bullets altered the destiny of two nations They wanted him to wear a bulletproof vest, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Afterwards, they wished they’d pushed him harder – they should have insisted – but he was the prime minister and his mind was made up. He refused to believe a fellow citizen might pose a mortal threat. And so a quarter of a century ago, on the night of 4 November 1995, Yitzhak Rabin stood before a vast and grateful crowd in Tel Aviv at a peace rally, protected by nothing more than a jacket, tie and white cotton shirt. The size of the rally had surprised him: he was a shy man, awkward with attention, and he had doubted that thousands of Israelis would come out to show support for him and his attempt to make peace with the Palestinians. He told aides he feared the city’s central plaza – not yet called Rabin Square – would be empty. Continue reading... Source- World

US election 2020: Trump criticised over false claim doctors profit from Covid deaths - live updates

Trump falsely says ‘doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid’ Final push to unleash power of poor and low-income voters ‘Red mirage’: the ‘insidious’ scenario if Trump declares an early victory Sign up for Fight to Vote – our weekly US election newsletter 9.08am GMT One of the medical professionals to respond was Dr. Ashish Jha , who was asked about Trump’s comments on MSNBC . After being played the clip of what the president had said, Dr. Jha replied. I don’t know where to begin. First of all it’s offensive. Second, attacking frontline health workers who have been saving American lives, despite this botched public health response, is doubly offensive. And then it’s just wrong. Right, doctors don’t get a single extra cent . Now, hospitals do get reimbursed a little bit more if it’s a Covid pneumonia versus a non-Covid pneumonia, but they don’t go around committing large scale fraud. You have to test people, you have to show it. 9.02am GMT Hi, and welcome to our liv

New Zealand Greens accept Ardern's offer of 'cooperation agreement'

Deal with Labour stops short of a coalition but will see Green’s co-leaders, James Shaw and Marama Davidson, hold ministries outside of cabinet New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has agreed on a governing “cooperation agreement” with the Green party, offering two ministries and agreeing to a handful of shared policy priorities for her second term – an offer they accepted late on Saturday. Labour won the general election in October with an outright majority, meaning they could govern alone. But Ardern invited the Greens into a “cooperation” agreement saying it would allow the government to benefit from the expertise of Green party members in areas such as the environment, climate change and child wellbeing. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Helena Bonham Carter: ‘Divorce is cruel. But some parts are to be recommended'

She doesn’t believe in a stiff upper lip, or pretending – unless it’s for work. The actor talks about her split with Tim Burton, friendship with Johnny Depp, and playing the Queen’s sister Ding-dong, it’s the doorbell. And look who’s standing on my rain-sodden doorstep, it’s Helena Bonham Carter . In her stompy, clumpy boots and dark floral ruffled dress, curls piled on top of her head, she looks so exactly herself – which is to say, like a Victorian goth drawn in charcoal – that she could be an actor playing a character playing Helena Bonham Carter. Which, to a certain degree, she is. “I love dressing up and creating myself, as it were, according to the day and the mood. But it’s an illusion, because then the Daily Mail photographs you, and you see it and think, that wasn’t what I meant at all,” she says as we walk into my kitchen and I compliment her outfit. Her fashion sense – invariably described as quirky (“God, quirky ,” she says, as if repeating a doctor’s fatal diagnosis) – h

'I hope it makes a difference': voters on remote Maine island cast their ballot

There are 70 active voters on Matinicus Island, 20 miles off the Maine coast. How are they feeling about the big day? Located over 20 miles off the coast of Maine, Matinicus Island is often among the first communities in the state to report their official vote counts. It doesn’t take long, explains clerk and registrar of voters Eva Murray, because they have so few registered voters. “Out of the 70 active voters, I’ve already handed out 26 ballots,” she says. In addition to running the election, Murray also runs the solid waste program, operates a bakery out of her house, works as a freelance writer and is a certified pilot and EMT. She knows most everyone on Matinicus, and most everyone knows her. There seems to be little confusion about how, logistically, to submit a ballot on the island. She predicts a “good turnout” this year. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Americans go to the polls as US suffers worst week for coronavirus infections

Stakes at the polls are ‘life and death’, epidemiologists say, but responses to the pandemic divide sharply on political lines The US has suffered its worst week for new infections of the entire Covid-19 pandemic just days ahead of the election, underscoring what some epidemiologists described as “life and death” stakes as Americans head to the polls. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'He just says it as it is': why many Nigerians support Donald Trump

His books were a hit long before he took office, and some Christians see his presidency as a blessing The pursed, stony expression is familiar in Peter Odoakang’s striking oil painting of Donald Trump, but not the outfit. The US president is portrayed wearing a wine- and peach-coloured agbada and cap, traditional Yoruba attire, fitting him into the mould of a south-western Nigerian leader or “big man”, as Odoakang says. “People see him in agbada and say wow, it fits him. People really laugh about it and react to it,” says Odoakang, 23, of the portrait commissioned by a company in Lagos, which he says brings Trump’s “personality into our setting”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Thailand protests: three pro-democracy leaders hospitalised after melee outside police station

Trio mingled with supporters after court ordered their release, before police from another city arrived to question them Three prominent Thai pro-democracy leaders are in hospital after chaotic scenes outside a Bangkok police station overnight as officers tried to slap them with further criminal charges. A court on Friday ordered the release of Panupong “Mike” Jadnok, Panusaya “Rung” Sithijirawattanakul and Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak, who have been in custody since mid-October on sedition charges, but police sought to question them over outstanding arrest warrants. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'Red mirage': the 'insidious' scenario if Trump declares an early victory

The situation could develop if the president appears to be leading on election night before all votes are counted – and for some officials, it’s too realistic for words Scenarios for how an election disaster could unfold in the United States next week involve lawsuits, lost ballots, armed insurrection and other potential crises in thousands of local jurisdictions on 3 November. But there is one much simpler scenario for election-night chaos, centering on a single address, that many analysts see as among the most plausible. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Queensland election 2020: Annastacia Palaszczuk faces off against Deb Frecklington as Labor seeks third term

Polls suggest narrow Labor win over Liberal National party but neither side willing to predict result. Follow live 6.18am GMT Given there are very serious storm warnings for most of the south-east at the moment, I am not sure how many more people will be venturing out. The hail pictures have been insane. Cricket ball size (all hail must be described in sport ball terms. It’s the rules.) Only 2 hours left until polling booths close! Polling booths for the State general election close at 6pm. If you are still in line at 6pm, stay in line! You will be able to vote if you are in the queue by 6pm. Find your closest polling booth here: 6.01am GMT Welcome to the Guardian’s live coverage of Qld Votes. Brisbane has had a few storm warnings today, but the real turmoil seems to have been within the major parties - no one has a handle on how tonight will go.The Queensland parliament has 93 seats (no upper house, for those who don’t live #qldpol like I do) and so

US election roundup: Trump and Biden swing through battleground states

Both candidates to campaign in Minnesota and Wisconsin while president rails against supreme court over North Carolina ruling US politics – live updates The two US presidential candidates swung through northern battleground states on Friday amid signs that the coronavirus pandemic was once more threatening to overcome hospital capacity in several US regions. Donald Trump was due to hold a succession of airport rallies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, while Joe Biden was scheduled to have drive-in rallies in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Mahathir Mohamad says his remarks after French attack were taken out of context

Two-time Malaysian PM criticises Twitter and Facebook for removing his posts after the attack on Nice church The former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has stood by his widely condemned comments on attacks by Muslim extremists in France, saying they were taken out of context. He also criticised Twitter and Facebook for removing his posts. Mahathir, 95, sparked widespread anger when he wrote on his blog on Thursday that “Muslims have a right to be angry and kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

An order of queer and trans 'nuns' in San Francisco take on an unholy year

Community hasn’t been killed by the pandemic for this drag sisterhood – community is what has made it possible to survive 2020 On an unusually hot autumn day in San Francisco, an order of nuns in long wimples, black gowns and drag makeup handed out more than 1,000 face masks in Mission Dolores park. Among them, Sister Roma – brushing seven feet in heels and a wimple garnished with a mane of blue feathers – laughed from behind her bejeweled face mask. “One bright side about wearing a mask is that you don’t need to paint your entire face,” says Roma, who claims, quite plausibly, to be the most photographed nun in the world. “You can skip doing your lips.” For more than 40 years, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an order of queer and transgender nuns, have pursued their mission to “to promulgate universal joy and to expiate stigmatic guilt”. Although the San Francisco-based charity organization – in no way affiliated with the Catholic church – is best known for their effervescent st

Philippines orders thousands of evacuations ahead of 2020’s strongest storm

System with 265km/h winds is expected to make landfall on Sunday on main island of Luzon, home to Manila Philippine officials have ordered evacuation of thousands of residents in the southern part of the main Luzon island as a category-5 storm that is the world’s strongest this year approaches. Typhoon Goni, with 215km/h (133 mph) sustained winds and gusts of up to 265km/h (164 mph), will make landfall on Sunday as the strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines since Haiyan, which killed more than 6,300 people in 2013. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Australia storms: golf ball-sized hail hits parts of Queensland as NSW warned of flash-flooding

Weather bureau warns of severe thunderstorms along Australia’s east coast as well as inland Queensland has been hit by golf ball-sized hailstones as dangerous supercell thunderstorms moved across the state’s south-east. Severe thunderstorms were forecast to rapidly develop along the Great Dividing Range throughout Saturday afternoon and push towards the coast. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Twitter lifts freeze from New York Post account after policy reversal

Latest move in an ongoing saga comes after CEO Jack Dorsey was grilled by Republican lawmakers during a Senate hearing on Wednesday Twitter said on Friday it had changed its policy and lifted a freeze it placed on the account of the New York Post after the newspaper published controversial articles about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. It is the latest move in an ongoing saga that called into question the moderation policies of social media platforms. Both Twitter and Facebook took measures to limit the spread of an article published by the New York Post on 14 October, which claimed to be based on documents gleaned from an abandoned computer belonging to the Democratic candidate’s son. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

US and UK citizens are world’s biggest sources of plastic waste – study

US population may also be third-largest producer of marine plastic pollution The US and UK produce more plastic waste per person than any other major countries, according to new research. The analysis also shows the US produces the most plastic waste in total and that its citizens may rank as high as third in the world in contributing to plastic pollution in the oceans. Previous work had suggested Asian countries dominated marine plastic pollution and placed the US in 20th place, but this did not account for US waste exports or illegal dumping within the country. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Queensland election: premier Annastacia Palaszczuk heckled while voting in Brisbane

Liberal National party volunteer shouted at premier that she should ‘open the borders’ Complexities and contradictions: making sense of Queensland’s election The Queensland premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, has been heckled by a Liberal National party volunteer while voting in Brisbane. Palaszczuk was speaking to reporters after casting her ballot in her south Brisbane electorate of Inala, which she holds by 26.1%, on Saturday morning. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'No predators, plenty to eat': New Zealand struggles with plague of peacocks

Farmers complain feral birds eat pasture their livestock depend on, and their numbers are increasing thanks to hunting of stoats and possums A bird renowned around the world for its beauty has showed its ugly side by causing havoc on farms in New Zealand; eating crops, evading control efforts and driving landowners to distraction. The jade and green peafowl, commonly known as the peacock, has become naturalised in New Zealand after what New Zealand Birds Online calls “benign neglect of birds kept for display”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Coronavirus live news: Europe passes 10m cases, Australian cases rise amid border fight

England lockdown expected early next week ; US passes 9m infections ; New South Wales records four new infections, Victoria one. Follow the latest: Belgium facing new lockdown as Germany takes in patients Europeans seek ways to ride out Covid winter ‘An operational tsunami’: preparing for a winter surge of Covid Paris sees record traffic jams before lockdown See all our coronavirus coverage 1.16am GMT Residents in the Australian city of Melbourne are easing in to their first weekend since the end of one of the world’s longest lockdowns. Victoria recorded one new case over the past 24 hours, although authorities described the infection as a “low positive”. 1.15am GMT Australia’s political fight over Covid-19 border closures is continuing despite moves from some states to ease their restrictions. Facing pressure from other states and industry, the premiers of Western Australia and Queensland have now both announced they would relax tough border rules preventing resident

National Covid lockdown expected across England next week

Boris Johnson bows to pressure from experts who warned worst-case scenario could soon be surpassed Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Boris Johnson has bowed to pressure from his scientific advisers for new national lockdown restrictions, which are expected to be announced early next week, the Guardian has been told. Sir Patrick Vallance and Prof Chris Whitty, who head the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), are understood to have warned the prime minister that the time has come for national action across England. Sage scientists presented Johnson with evidence at a meeting in Downing Street, where they explained that Covid-19 is spreading significantly faster than their worst-case scenarios. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Morrison government urged to cut emissions to tackle root cause of worsening bushfires

Former fire chiefs call for ‘no new coal or gas’ after royal commission found climate change fuelled the black summer bushfires Australia’s summer bushfires were fuelled by climate change and governments must respond to the royal commission into the disaster with tougher policies to reduce emissions, including “no new coal or gas”, former fire chiefs have said. Craig Lapsley, a former Victorian emergency management commissioner, said the $10bn cost of the bushfire disaster laid out in the report was “staggering”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

‘I feel free here’: how a miracle girls' school was built in India's 'golden city'

A strikingly-designed centre reminiscent of Rajasthan’s famous forts will soon be opening its doors in conservative Jaisalmer “Don’t even try,” friends told Michael Daube, when he said he wanted to coax women in Jaisalmer to embroider yoga bags to help them earn some income. For the most part, at least in rural areas, this is Federico García Lorca territory, where marriage for a woman, as a character in the Spanish poet’s play Blood Wedding describes it, is “a man, children, and as for the rest a wall that’s two feet thick”. Rajasthan is one of the most conservative states in India, where ancient customs circumscribe a woman’s freedom and in turn any chance of economic independence. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Report: Xiaomi beats Apple to become world’s third biggest smartphone firm

Credit: Ryan-Thomas Shaw / Android Authority According to global research firms, Samsung retook the biggest smartphone OEM title from Huawei in Q3 2020. Xiaomi, with a record quarter, overtook Apple as the world’s third-biggest smartphone maker. Global smartphone shipments also returned to near-2019 levels, as the industry recovery continues. On the back of the good news from India , it seems the global smartphone market is showing signs of recovery too. According to research from IDC , global smartphone shipments topped 353 million in Q3 2020, just shy of the levels recorded a year prior. But some OEMs recovered more than others. It was a positive quarter for Samsung . Although it grew by just 2.9% year-over-year, this was enough to retake the smartphone market lead from Huawei. The Korean firm shipped 80.4 million units for a 22.7% market share. This time, its position isn’t disputed either. Both Canalys and Counterpoint recorded Samsung as the top smartphone make

Here’s a sneak peek at the design of the OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 Edition

Credit: OnePlus New teasers of the OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 Edition hint at the phone’s design. They show a large, horizontally placed rectangular camera housing. There’s also plenty of Cyberpunk branding on the back panel of the phone. OnePlus has announced the launch date and time for the Cyberpunk 2077 themed OnePlus 8T . The phone will be revealed in full on November 2 at 2 PM local time in China (2 AM ET). But that’s not all OnePlus has given us. The company has also posted a teaser image of the OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 Edition on Weibo , giving us a hint of what to expect from its design. The image shows the back of the phone, but it’s too dark to really tell anything. We popped the photo in an image editor, and after tweaking its brightness and contrast a bit, saw what the back panel design could look like. OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 edition official teaser OnePlus 8T Cyberpunk 2077 edition edited teaser As you can see in the image comparison above, the

World leaders condemn Nice attack as France terror alert level raised to maximum

Leaders from the UK, US and Middle East express solidarity with France as soldiers are deployed to guard schools and churches Leaders from around the world have offered condolences and expressed their solidarity with the people of France after the nation suffered a second suspected Islamist extremist attack on its soil in a fortnight. President Emmanuel Macron said France was “ under attack ” in the wake of the killings inside the Notre-Dame basilica in the coastal city of Nice on Thursday which left three worshippers dead, but he vowed the French people would “not give in to any terror” in fighting intolerance. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

UN urges UK to restart resettlement of refugees after family drowns in Channel

Scheme designed to resettle about 5,000 refugees a year is currently suspended due to pandemic The UK government needs to urgently restart its resettlement scheme after two young children and their parents died while trying to cross the Channel, the UN refugee agency’s UK representative has said. Iranian Kurds Rasul Iran Nezhad and his wife, Shiva Mohammad Panahi, both 35, and two of their children, Anita, nine, and Armin, six, drowned on Tuesday as they tried to reach Britain by boat . The fate of the family’s third child, 15-month-old Artin, is unknown. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'Voters are fed up': will Arizona's suburbs abandon the party of Trump?

The president won narrowly in Maricopa county in 2016. Polls show his support is draining – and fellow Republicans are at risk In the agonizing days after the 2018 election, Christine Marsh, a Democratic candidate for state Senate in a traditionally Republican suburban Phoenix district, watched her opponent’s lead dwindle to a few hundred votes, with thousands of ballots left to be counted. In the end, just 267 votes separated them. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Report: Here’s when you should expect LG’s rollable phone

Credit: LG / YouTube LG will reportedly launch its rollable smartphone in March 2021. The company previously teased the design at the LG Wing launch. Rumors and an official tease point to LG launching a rollable smartphone some time in the future, dubbed Project B for now. This is said to offer a slide-out screen on the side that could enable a tablet-sized experience in your pocket. Now, Korean outlet The Elec reports that this rollable smartphone will launch in March 2021. This echoes the “early 2021” launch window touted by the publication earlier this year. There isn’t much else to know about the Project B device just yet, but it’s believed that LG will produce the device itself rather than relying on an original design manufacturer (ODM). Speaking of ODMs, The Elec claims that the LG Velvet 2 — or whatever the successor is called — will be outsourced. Waiting for a more traditional high-end device? Well, the publication notes that LG’s next flagship phone, cod

US election 2020: signs of record turnout as candidates make final push through swing states – live

Trump and Biden scheduled to hold dueling events in Minnesota and Wisconsin Friday ‘Turning pain into purpose’: Covid is driving Arizonans to the polls The polls point to a Biden victory but can they be trusted this time? ‘It’s voter suppression’: the Republican fight to limit ballot boxes 4.35am GMT Hello and welcome to our round-the-clock coverage of the 2020 US elections. More than 80m Americans have already cast their ballots, according to the US Elections Project. Election day is on Tuesday. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are scheduled to hold dueling events in Minnesota and Wisconsin today, with Biden also traveling to Iowa. Both candidates were in Florida on Thursday, where a Biden event appeared to be cut short by a downpour, while 17 attendees at a Trump rally had to be taken to the hospital for intense heat, according to NBC News . Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Oxygen OS Open Beta 19 rolls out to the OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro

Update: October 30, 2020 (1:10 AM ET): OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro users can now snag a new beta build of Oxygen OS. Open Beta 19 brings general stability improvements, the Android security patch for October, and a fix for the front camera flash. If you’re currently running a beta build of Oxygen OS, this update will roll out as an OTA. See the changelog below: System Improved system stability and fixed general issues Updated Android Security Patch to 2020.10 Camera Fixed the flashback issue when switched to the front camera in particular cases If you want to switch from the stable channel of Oxygen OS to the beta, it’s really not difficult. Follow our guide here ! Welcome to the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro updates hub. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the latest Android updates for the two devices, including their current versions and when future updates are likely to arrive. Both the 7 and 7 Pro run Oxygen OS , OnePlus’ proprietary Android sk

Paris region sees record traffic jams ahead of lockdown

Thursday’s traffic was 30% higher than the previous record as people headed out to escape lockdown and others headed back from half-term holidays A dash by Parisians to either escape the new national lockdown or scramble back to the French capital to prepare for the restrictions caused record traffic jams in and out of the city on Thursday night. The exodus in and out of the city created a record 706km of traffic on roads in the region by 6pm, according to France’s traffic department. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Where Wes Anderson films 'accidentally' come to life

A new book portrays striking locations from Lisbon to Alaska brimming with the great director’s aesthetic appeal There’s something about director Wes Anderson’s style that’s instantly recognisable. Immaculate composition, symmetrical lines, pastel colours, idiosyncratic and strangely alluring sets are trademarks in films from The Darjeeling Limited to The Grand Budapest Hotel. But a new photography travel book, Accidentally Wes Anderson, is full of places in the real world that look as though they are from one of his films (but aren’t). It’s the latest offering from the man behind the @accidentallywesanderson Instagram account, Brooklyn-based Wally Koval. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'Battle for Labour's soul': what the papers say about Jeremy Corbyn's suspension

Reports predict Keir Starmer will face a ‘civil war’ after moving against his leftwing predecessor, while others focus on ‘day of shame’ Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s suspension of his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, in response to the long-awaited report on an investigation into antisemitism in the party dominates the front pages today. The Guardian ’s front page reports that Labour has been “plunged into crisis” after Corbyn was suspended for saying antisemitism within the party was “dramatically overstated for political reasons”. The paper adds that the decision to suspend the leftwinger has “led to rumours of a split”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'Tell my children I love them': the victims of the Nice attack

Vincent Loqués, a father of two who worked at the church, and Brazilian Simone Baretto Silva, are among the three dead Victims of the Nice terror attack include a father of two who had worked at the Notre-Dame basilica welcoming worshippers and a mother of three from Brazil who had lived in France for decades. Vincent Loqués , 55, had his throat cut by the alleged attacker – named as 21-year-old Brahim Aouissaoui - and his body was found inside the church. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Iran moves detained academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert back to Tehran prison

Moore-Gilbert, who has Australian and British citizenship, had been held in Qarchak, widely regarded as the worst female prison in Iran The detained British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert has been moved back to Tehran’s Evin prison, sources with knowledge of her case have confirmed to the Guardian. Moore-Gilbert is understood to be back in the secretive ward 2A of Tehran’s largest prison, where she had spent much of the past two years under the control of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

New Zealand votes to legalise euthanasia but against legalising cannabis in referendum

Results of the euthanasia vote are binding and must be enacted by the new Labour government by October 2021 New Zealanders have voted to legalise euthanasia for those with a terminal illness, in a landslide victory for campaigners who say anyone suffering extreme pain should be given a choice over how and when to bring their life to a close. The decision on whether to legalise euthanasia appeared as a referendum question on the 17 October general election ballot paper, alongside a second referendum question on whether to legalise cannabis – which did not succeed. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Australia must prepare for future shaped by extreme climate, bushfire royal commission warns

Report into the apocalyptic 2019-20 bushfires says Australia must radically change its approach to fighting fires under new climate conditions Australia’s bushfire disaster last summer was just a glimpse of what global heating will deliver to the country in the future, with major changes needed to the way the nation responds, according to the final report of the royal commission. The royal commission has made 80 recommendations , including calls for a more co-ordinated approach and new legislation to allow the prime minister to declare a national state of emergency. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Canada judge blocks attorney general's attempt to dismiss Meng Wanzhou's arguments

Judge declines to dismiss case against Huawei CEO but says assertion that US misrepresented evidence for extradition has ‘air of reality’ A judge has blocked an attempt by Canada’s attorney general to dismiss parts of the extradition case against Huawei’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, according to a ruling released on Thursday. However, the judge sided with the attorney general in agreeing that Meng’s arguments were not strong enough to warrant an immediate dismissal of the case to extradite to the US for trial on fraud charges. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Ecotricity founder to grow diamonds 'made entirely from the sky'

UK millionaire Dale Vince says lab-grown gems will be ‘world’s first zero-impact’ diamonds A British multi-millionaire and environmentalist has set out plans to create thousands of carats of carbon-negative, laboratory-grown diamonds every year “made entirely from the sky”. Dale Vince, the founder of green energy supplier Ecotricity , claims to have developed the world’s only diamonds to be made from carbon, water and energy sourced directly from the elements at a “sky mining facility” in Stroud. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Seven men bailed following suspected hijack of oil tanker

Nigerians arrested after SBS stormed Nave Andromeda are still detained by Border Force Seven Nigerian men detained after British special services stormed an oil tanker off the Isle of Wight have been bailed, police have said. The raid was carried out by around 16 members of the Special Boat Service (SBS) , backed by airborne snipers, who secured the Nave Andromeda tanker in around nine minutes. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Coronavirus live news: Europe leaders told to 'act urgently' as global daily case records tumble

Head of the European Commission warns EU hospitals ‘at risk of being overwhelmed’ by Covid; Greece brings in regional lockdowns; French PM lays out details of new France lockdown. White House taskforce warns of ‘unrelenting’ Covid spread Angela Merkel heckled by German MPs over lockdown France: children aged six and over to wear masks in school Taiwan marks 200 days without domestic infection Large China outbreak linked to Xinjiang forced labour 12.15am GMT 23 October was the first time over the course of the pandemic that the world added half a million coronavirus cases in a single day, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker. That total, a record at the time, was 506,713. In the week since then, we have globally reported more than 500,000 cases in 24 hours two more times, with 525,164 on 26 october and the latest case data again breaking the record, with over 530,581 in a single day. 11.55pm GMT It’s always lovely to hear from you on Twitter – let me know what

NZ slams Qatar as citizen revealed as victim of intimate Doha airport examination

Foreign ministry says pelvic examination of woman was ‘completely unacceptable’ and a full report is being sought New Zealand has revealed one of its citizens was among the women subjected to invasive pelvic examinations at Doha airport, labelling the action “completely unacceptable”. “We were extremely concerned to learn ... that a New Zealand national was involved in the appalling incident involving female passengers on several Qatar Airways flights,” the foreign affairs ministry said in a statement late Thursday. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

'Try again next time': my three visa rejections

After being offered a prestigious international literary residency, Nkiacha Atemnkeng was excited for his first visit to the US – until he turned up at the embassy for his interview I am a western visa rejection expert. Three times – even though I work at an airport. But I am mostly a literary reject, a reality which also, somehow, always presents itself in sets of threes. Like a trilogy. I am at the US embassy in Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital, waiting outside the gate and the high fence. I admire the white tiled buildings and poles flaunting American flags. We stand in the morning sun. A Cameroonian security guard walks towards us. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

‘Turning pain into purpose’: why the Covid crisis is driving Arizonans to the polls

As election day looms, a traumatized electorate is weighing the failures of Republican leaders to control the pandemic in Arizona, and across the US When Kristin Urquiza drafted an obituary for her father, Mark Urquiza, she didn’t imagine it would be all that controversial or notable. “I was just being honest,” she said, when she wrote that her dad’s death from Covid-19 was “due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through a clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, and inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize risk”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Israeli zeal for second Trump term matched by Palestinian enmity

Netanyahu’s clear choice for US president seen as ‘extremely dangerous’ in Palestine Anyone in any doubt about Benjamin Netanyahu’s preferred candidate in the US presidential election need only visit his personal Twitter account . Right at the top, behind the headshot of Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is a banner photo of him with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, their eyes fixed on each other. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

US hospital systems facing 'imminent' threat of cyber attacks, FBI warns

An alert said malicious groups are targeting the healthcare sector with attacks designed to lock up information systems and steal data Federal agencies have warned that the US healthcare system is facing an “increased and imminent” threat of cybercrime, and that cybercriminals are unleashing a wave of extortion attempts designed to lock up hospital information systems, which could hurt patient care just as nationwide cases of Covid-19 are spiking. In a joint alert Wednesday, the FBI and two federal agencies warned that they had “credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to US hospitals and healthcare providers”. The alert said malicious groups are targeting the sector with attacks that produce “data theft and disruption of healthcare services”. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Sassoon family collection of Jewish artefacts to be sold at auction

Unparalleled collection of one of the greatest Jewish dynasties in the world to go on sale in New York An unparalleled collection of Judaica amassed by one of the greatest Jewish dynasties in the world and not seen in public for over a century is to be sold at auction. The trove of 68 items includes silver objects, Hebrew manuscripts and family artefacts collected by the Sassoon family. Some items date back to the 11th century, and they originate from countries from east Asia to western Europe. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Hong Kong activist who sought US consulate help charged with secession

Tong Chung, who was arrested on Tuesday as he attempted to shelter in the US consulate, is the second to be charged under national security law A Hong Kong court has denied bail to a 19-year-old activist who was arrested under the national security law while attempting to shelter inside the US consulate. Tony Chung is the only the second of at least 27 people arrested under the law to be charged, and now faces prosecution for alleged crimes of secession, money laundering and conspiracy to publish seditious material. The last charge falls under colonial-era criminal laws. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Seven new charges brought against adult film star Ron Jeremy

He has now been accused by 23 alleged victims and faces a total of 11 counts of rape, eight of sexual battery and 16 other sexual offenses Porn star Ron Jeremy was charged on Wednesday with an additional seven counts of rape and sexual assault, bringing to 23 the number of his alleged victims, the Los Angeles district attorney’s office said. Jeremy, 67, one of the biggest names in the adult film industry, was initially charged in June with raping three women and sexually assaulting a fourth, but more women have come forward to police since then. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Cate Blanchett: 'Covid-19 has ravaged the whole idea of small government'

In this extract from essay collection Upturn, the actor considers the disruptions of the pandemic and the renewed fervour for social and economic justice The other day I had to go into town for a dental appointment. I put on all sorts of lovely clothes as if I were going out to dinner and an opening night. The prospect of being out and about was both exhilarating and daunting. I so desperately wanted to be among people and in the city, but I’d also completely forgotten what an event was. The dentist did not seem surprised by my sartorial over-commitment – but then, I was not the first patient he had seen since lockdown. As a person working in the arts sector, the lockdown was strangely familiar on one level – a lot of actors get stuck in a kind of limbo waiting for someone else to give them permission to do what they are good at. It was as if we were all waiting by the phone for our agent to call. It was also strangely unfamiliar because the community that holds us together, the audi

US election 2020: Trump and Biden camps rally in Arizona – live

Obama will campaign with Biden in Michigan on Saturday Sign up for Fight to Vote – our weekly US election newsletter 4.38am GMT Hello and welcome to our round-the-clock coverage of the 2020 US election. Five days until election day now – and more than 70 million people, likely about half the total that will vote for a major party candidate, have cast ballots. Both campaigns are packing in rallies in the final days, and on Wednesday they agreed on where to go: Arizona, a recently red state that Joe Biden has put in play. Donald Trump held a packed, maskless rally in Phoenix while the Biden campaign organized a drive-in event with Kamala Harris. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Marise Payne declines to welcome adoption of net zero emissions target by Japan and South Korea

Australia’s foreign minister says ‘it’s a matter for those countries’ after being questioned on the matter five times by Penny Wong The foreign minister Marise Payne says Australia “acknowledges” decisions by Japan and South Korea to adopt net zero targets for 2050, but she has declined to welcome that development, despite Australia’s status as a signatory to the Paris agreement. This week Japan pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, as did South Korea. China last month pledged to reach carbon neutrality by no later than 2060. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Dr Fauci praises Australia’s coronavirus response and Melbourne’s face mask rules

America’s top Covid expert says Victoria lockdown and mask-wearing struck right balance between health and economy and he wished US adopted same mentality Follow the Thursday liveblog Victoria cases trend map ; Full Australian Covid stats Melbourne’s restrictions ; regional Victoria’s rules Sign up for Guardian Australia’s weekly coronavirus email America’s top infectious diseases expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, has praised Melbourne’s response to the coronavirus, saying he “wished” the US could adopt the same mentality. In an interview hosted by the University of Melbourne and the Melbourne-based Doherty Institute, Fauci said Australia was “one of the countries that has done actually quite well” in handling the virus. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Typhoon Molave: hundreds search for missing after landslides in Vietnam

More than 10 dead following torrential rains brought by strongest storm in decades Vietnam deployed hundreds of soldiers and heavy machinery on Thursday to search for survivors after landslides triggered by torrential rains from Typhoon Molave, one of the strongest typhoons in the region in decades, the government said. The landslides, which hit remote areas in the central province of Quang Nam a day earlier, killed 13 with 40 missing as rescue efforts were hampered by bad weather at the tail end of the storm, the government said. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Girl, 14, arrested in West Sussex murder inquiry

Teenager arrested in south London after 24-year-old man found with serious injuries in Crawley A teenage girl has been arrested over the murder of a man in West Sussex. Emergency services were called to Russell Way in Three Bridges, Crawley, at 9pm on Tuesday where they found a 24-year-old man with serious injuries, Sussex police said in a statement. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Huami Amazfit Bip U review: A bang for your buck

If you’re looking to purchase a fitness wearable in the $40-$50 range, your options might be limited depending on where you live. The Xiaomi Mi Band 5 has proven to be a worthy affordable fitness tracker, and it currently runs unopposed in its price segment. However, people often forget that Xiaomi does not make the fitness band. It outsources the job to Huami, a leading player in the basic fitness watch space that also has a successful fitness watch line under the Amazfit brand. The Amazfit Bip U is Huami’s latest attempt to woo budget buyers. The device made its debut in India following Huami’s recent rebrand of its app platform. The Bip U stacks just below the Amazfit Bip S and Bip S Lite in terms of pricing, but where features are concerned, it packs in a lot more. In fact, if and when it steps out of the Indian market, it could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Mi Band 5. But does it bring the goods in terms of performance? Read our full Amazfit Bip U review to find out.