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Venezuela using coronavirus as cover to crack down on dissent, report claims

Human Rights Watch says it has found a ‘very, very disturbing’ pattern of intimidation and persecution of government critics Venezuelan security forces are using the coronavirus pandemic as cover to wage a disturbing “full force” campaign against dissenters, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch. The New York-based human rights group said that dozens of journalists, health professionals, human rights lawyers and government opponents had been arbitrarily detained and prosecuted since President Nicolás Maduro declared a Covid-19 state of emergency in mid-March. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Cricketer left in need of windscreen repairs after smashing own car with huge six

Ireland’s Kevin O’Brien scores direct hit in T20 game Self-inflicted damage comes from one of eight sixes “O, O, Ooooo… O’Brien,” goes the annoyingly catchy advert for Australia’s best-known car windscreen replacement company. But it was a case of “Oh, oh, no” for Kevin O’Brien after the Irish cricket star smashed the back window of his own car with a trademark six. Related: Shane Warne's $1m baggy green finds permanent home next to Bradman Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Auckland lockdown to ease despite new Covid cases

Finance minister says ‘we are nearly there’ but urges residents to get tested if they display symptoms Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Auckland is on track to move out of level 3 lockdown on Sunday despite new cases of Covid-19. New Zealand’s largest city has been in level 3 for more than two weeks and on Friday the finance minister, Grant Robertson, said that at midnight on Sunday Auckland would move to level 2. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

South African conservationist killed by lions he reared

West Mathewson was attacked without warning by lions during one of their regular walks A South African conservationist has been killed by lions he hand-reared. West Mathewson, 69, was walking two white lionesses on Wednesday when one of the animals attacked and killed him without warning, his family said on Thursday. The incident took place on the premises of the family-owned Lion Tree Top Lodge, in South Africa’s northern Limpopo province. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Shinzo Abe to publicly address concerns about his health

Japanese officials fail to quash speculation that PM may be unable to serve out his term after two recent hospital visits Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is to address growing concerns about his health on Friday after he made two hospital visits in the space of a week. Officials from the governing Liberal Democratic party (LDP) have failed to quash speculation that Abe may be unable to serve out his term, which ends in September 2021, as rumours have swirled around the state of his health. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Trump to address 1,000 supporters on White House lawn despite coronavirus risks – RNC live

President expected to portray Joe Biden as a radical in speech Republicans have rarely mentioned shooting of Jacob Blake Sign up for our First Thing newsletter 2.24am BST Ann Dorn, whose husband officer David Dorn was fatally shot amid unrest in St Louis earlier this year, addressed the Republican convention. “I re-live that horror in my mind every single day,” Dorn said. “My hope is that having you re-live it with me now will help shake this country from the nightmare we are witnessing in our cities and bring about positive, peaceful change.” 2.22am BST As the RNC carries on, hundreds of protestors have gathered outside the White House at the recently renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza. Demonstrators have been playing music, dancing, and chanting “Trump/Pence out now!” Activists covered a portion of the street a sign that reads: “Trump lies all the time”. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Xiaomi will reportedly launch another Redmi 9 variant in India

Credit: Gary Sims / Android Authority Pricebaba reports Xiaomi is prepping to launch the Redmi 9i in India. The phone could be a rebranded version of the Redmi 9A. It will reportedly feature 4GB of RAM and come in 64GB and 128GB storage configurations. Since the start of August, Xiaomi has announced three devices in India: the Redmi 9 , Redmi 9 Prime , and Redmi 9C . But according to leaker Ishan Agarwal , the Chinese OEM could have one more device up its sleeve. Agarwal told Pricebaba Xiaomi is getting ready to announce another budget-friendly phone for India called the Redmi 9i. Pricebaba suggests the 9i is likely a rebranded variant of the Redmi 9A with more RAM and additional internal storage. Xiaomi released the 9A in Malaysia in June. It features a 6.53-inch display with a 20:9 aspect ratio and 1,600 x 720 resolution. Internally, the phone features MediaTek’s recently announced Helio G25 chipset, a 5,000mAh battery, 2GB of RAM, and 32GB of internal storage. T

Coronavirus live news: Tour de France in doubt, WHO to review emergency alert rules

Spanish children over six to wear masks at school; US Midwest states report record tallies; UK reports highest cases since 12 June. Follow latest updates Tour de France in doubt after Covid red alert issued in Nice Germany bans large events amid rise in Covid cases Italy contacting visitors to Sardinian nightclub after cluster Poorest countries face lost decade, says IMF See all our coronavirus coverage 1.22am BST Spanish schoolchildren aged six and over must wear masks to class, the government announced on Thursday, unveiling a plan to reopen schools just days before the start of the new academic year. The health minister, Salvador Illa, said that, while closing down schools could become necessary if multiple cases of the virus were detected across different classrooms, that would be the last resort. 1.11am BST The WHO is setting up a committee of independent experts to consider changing the rules on declaring an international health emergency, following criticism of its C

Data on Covid care home deaths kept secret 'to protect commercial interests'

Exclusive: English and Scottish regulators refuse to reveal homes with most fatalities Fuller care homes with fewer staff had more cases, study finds Failing care home demand since Covid poses threat to UK Covid-19 death tolls at individual care homes are being kept secret by regulators in part to protect providers’ commercial interests before a possible second coronavirus surge, the Guardian can reveal. England’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Care Inspectorate in Scotland are refusing to make public which homes or providers recorded the most fatalities amid fears it could undermine the UK’s care system, which relies on private operators. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

'Fear of failure' giving UK children lowest happiness levels in Europe

More than a third of UK 15-year-olds scored low in the annual Good Childhood Report Children in the UK have the lowest levels of life satisfaction across Europe, with “a particularly British fear of failure” partly to blame, according to a major report into childhood happiness. More than a third of UK 15-year-olds scored low on life satisfaction, the annual Good Childhood Report from the Children’s Society found. They also fared badly across happiness measurements including satisfaction with schools, friends and sense of purpose compared to children in other European countries. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

The Christchurch shooter's sentence will consign him to nothingness | Steve Braunias

Justice has been seen to be done and the stories of his victims and those left behind will live on They called him a mouse. A sheep. A coward. A loser. A peasant. A terrorist. A nothing. The latter two accusations made against Brenton Tarrant in the high court of Christchurch this week were the most factual; convicted of 51 counts of murder and an act of terrorism, his sentence of life without parole has consigned him to the void. He will cease to exist. Good. He was bad rubbish, sentenced with all the beautiful and solemn efficiency of English law as practised in New Zealand, but the thing everyone will remember about the past few days is the testimony from those who survived the attack and the families of the victims. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Greece has a deadly new migration policy – and all of Europe is to blame | Daniel Trilling

Every time Athens pushes a refugee boat away, it’s the result of an entire continent acting in its perceived self-interest A vital part of international refugee law is the principle of non-refoulement: the idea that states should not push people seeking asylum back to unsafe countries. In a country like the UK, which does not sit next to a war zone, advocates of “tougher” policies to deter asylum seekers will claim that the principle does not apply, since people who reach Britain’s shores will have passed through several peaceful countries before they get there. But if every country looks only to its own interests, and behaves as if asylum seekers are someone else’s problem, then you very quickly end up with a system that traps people in situations where their lives are at risk. That is the system bequeathed by Europe’s panicked response to the 2015 refugee crisis, and in recent months, partly under cover of the emergency conditions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, it has got wor

Chen Guangcheng: escaped dissident says vote Trump to stop Chinese 'aggression'

Addressing Republican convention, blind activist urges Americans to help president stand up to ‘tyranny’ of Communist party The blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, known for his harrowing escape from Chinese house arrest in 2012, has called on US citizens to vote for Donald Trump for the “sake of the world”. Speaking at the largely online Republican convention on Wednesday, Chen called the Chinese Communist party (CCP) an “enemy of humanity” and said Trump had led a coalition of other democracies to “stop CCP aggression”. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Netflix portrayal of female Indian Air Force pilot flies into flak

Gunjan Saxena was one of the first women in the IAF, but her biopic has drawn rebukes from fellow officers over sexism claims Former and current members of the Indian military have criticised a Netflix film for portraying the armed forces as rife with gender discrimination. The Indian Air Force (IAF) has written to an Indian censor board, as well as Dharma Productions, which produced the film, and Netflix to complain that Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl “presented some situations that are misleading and portray an inappropriate work culture especially against women in the IAF”. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

BAME Britons less likely to trust Covid health officials – survey

Exclusive: findings raise fresh questions about pandemic’s disproportionate impact Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Black and minority ethnic people trusted government scientists and public health officials less than white people did at the height of the UK’s coronavirus outbreak, according to a study that raises fresh questions about the pandemic’s disproportionate impact. BAME people were more likely to believe their employers’ advice than anything Boris Johnson or the government said, and trusted the NHS and Public Health England (PHE) less than white people did, the research suggests. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Tomatoes? A scrunchie? Japan perplexed by Osaka World Expo logo

Design comprises an imperfect ring made up of a dozen bouncing red blobs – some with googly eyes It is supposed to symbolise the “brilliance of life,” but among social media users in Japan , the newly unveiled logo for the 2025 World Exposition in the city of Osaka was an unmissable opportunity to poke a fun at the eccentricity of modern art. The cell nucleus design, chosen from a shortlist of five, comprises an imperfect ring made up of a dozen “bouncing red blobs – some with googly eyes – in the approximate shape of the western Japanese city, which will host the Expo for the first time since 1970. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

A third of girls say they won’t post selfies without enhancement

Charity behind survey says unrealistic images increase pressures as girls spend more time online A third of girls and young women will not post selfies online without using a filter or app to change their appearance, while a similar proportion have deleted photos with too few “likes” or comments, research has found. About half regularly alter their photos to enhance their appearance online and “find acceptance”, Girlguiding’s annual Girls’ Attitudes survey found. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Wales train fire triggers evacuations

Diesel freight train catches fire at Llangennech, near Llanelli, with exclusion zone put in place Homes have been evacuated in south Wales after a large diesel train caught fire. British Transport police said crews were called to the blaze at Llangennech, near Llanelli, around 11.20pm on Wednesday. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Republican convention delivers whirlwind of lies great and small

Speaker after speaker piled falsehood upon falsehood to recast Trump as a saintly feminist preoccupied with the nation’s health As Hurricane Laura roared towards the southern US coast, the Republican national convention unleashed Hurricane Liar. There were lies aplenty at the last convention in Cleveland four years ago but, in those innocent days, reporters were still reluctant to call a lie a lie. Donald Trump blew that up on his first day in office when he and his officials claimed his inauguration crowd was bigger than Barack Obama’s. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Sony registration page can bump you to the front of PS5 pre-orders

Sony has launched a registration page that can move you to the front of the PlayStation 5 pre-order queue in the US. If you’re selected, you’ll get to order one system. You’re not guaranteed a spot, and you’ll have to act quickly. Sony still isn’t taking PlayStation 5 pre-orders, but you now have a chance to jump to the front of the line, if you’re lucky. Twitter tipster Wario 64 has learned of a Sony registration page that lets US gamers with PSN IDs sign up for an email invitation to pre-order before most of the public. The company hasn’t said how many people it will pick or just what will increase your odds, but it’s choosing people based on “previous interests and PlayStation activities.” If you’re selected, you’ll get to pre-order one PS5 (regular or Digital Edition) and up to two each of Sony accessories like DualSense controllers , charging stations, Pulse 3D headsets, media remotes, and cameras. The ordering window has an expiration date, and pre-orders will be o