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Hong Kong Free Press journalist denied visa amid fears for media freedom

Irish journalist Aaron McNicholas’s visa was rejected in what’s believed to the first such case at a local title After months of reassurance that Beijing’s national security law would not affect Hong Kong’s free press, the government has denied a visa to local media outlet, the Hong Kong Free Press. The English-language outlet had sought to employ a new editor, Aaron Mc Nicholas, an Irish journalist already based in Hong Kong. However the immigration department rejected an application to transfer his work visa after an almost six-month wait, without giving an official reason. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

South China Sea: US unveils first sanctions linked to militarisation

The latest US move against Beijing cracks down on firms whose goods may support Chinese military activities The United States has blacklisted 24 Chinese companies and targeted individuals it said were part of construction and military efforts in the South China Sea, its first such sanctions move over the disputed strategic waterway. The US Commerce Department said the companies played a “role in helping the Chinese military construct and militarise the internationally condemned artificial islands in the South China Sea”. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Germany finds it hard to love Hegel 250 years after his birth

New books try to lighten up the intimidating reputation of Germany’s ‘most difficult’ philosopher In March 1807, aged 36, a towering giant of German philosophy was struggling to come to terms with a career dip. With an illegitimate son to support and a patrimonial inheritance run dry, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel had chucked in an unpaid academic post and accepted a job as an editor at a local newspaper in Bamberg, where he was compiling reports on royal boar hunts. Only a newly acquired coffee percolator offered brief caffeinated thrills. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Lawyers for detained Zimbabwe journalist in new move to free him

Hopewell Chin’ono held for over a month as international concern grows over crackdown Lawyers representing the Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, held in prison for more than a month pending trial on charges of inciting violence, will make a fresh attempt to free him on Thursday. Chin’ono was arrested without a warrant at his home in Harare almost five weeks ago after publishing a series of investigations into corruption in Zimbabwe. He has since been held in Chikurubi high security prison on the outskirts of the capital, and repeated bail applications have been rejected . Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Coronavirus reinfection – what it actually means, and why you shouldn’t panic | Zania Stamataki for The Conversation

Naturally, people are worried about what the first confirmed case of reinfection means for the pandemic Scientists in Hong Kong have reported the first confirmed case of reinfection with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, reportedly backed up by genetic sequences of the two episodes of the 33-year-old man’s infections in March and in August 2020. Naturally, people are worried what this could mean for our chances of resolving the pandemic. Here’s why they shouldn’t worry. Nearly nine months after the first infection with the novel coronavirus, we have very poor evidence for reinfection. However, virologists understand that reinfection with coronaviruses is common, and immunologists are working hard to determine how long the hallmarks of protective immunity will last in recovered patients. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Almost 80 Victorian workplaces fined for breaching Covid safety guidelines since start of stage 4 lockdown

Workplaces are a significant driver of coronavirus spread as premier Daniel Andrews announced 113 new infections and 23 deaths overnight Follow our Australian coronavirus live blog Vic stage 4 restrictions ; Vic stage 3 restrictions Victoria and Melbourne Covid trend map Sign up for Guardian Australia’s coronavirus email Nearly 80 Victorian workplaces have been issued with notices for failing to provide Covid-safe environments for their staff since stage four restrictions were introduced in July, Daniel Andrews has said. Workplaces have been a significant driver of Covid-19 spread, especially in aged care, healthcare and the meat industry. More than half the active cases in Victoria are linked to aged care and healthcare. The government is now starting to provide data on workplaces failing to provide sanitary and safe conditions for workers, having earlier focused on penalising the behaviour of individuals. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian

Christchurch shooting: mosque gunman sentenced to life without parole

Australian terrorist did not oppose the unprecedented sentence, which comes after three days of emotional victim impact statements The terrorist who killed 51 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, will spend the rest of his life in jail, a judge has ruled. It is the first time under current New Zealand law that a sentence of life without the possibility of parole has been imposed. Dozens more were wounded in the attacks in March last year in the country’s worst peacetime massacre. It prompted an outpouring of grief and unity in New Zealand and around the world, and generated debate about how to deal with white supremacist terrorism. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

RNC 2020 live: Pence to headline third night of convention amid growing unrest in Kenosha

Vice-president, second lady, and Kellyanne Conway to speak Protests continue over police shooting of Jacob Blake Sign up for our First Thing newsletter 2.16am BST Second lady Karen Pence used her convention speech to thank service members and their spouses for their contributions to the country. Pence noted that her son and son-in-law are both in the military, and her daughter and daughter-in-law are “the home front heroes”. 2.15am BST Congressman Dan Crenshaw hailed the “defeat of Isis”. “The defeat of Isis was the result of America believing in our heroes, our president having their backs and rebuilding our military so we’d have what we needed to finish the mission,” he said. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Stressed elephants at Warsaw zoo to be given medical marijuana

Three African elephants to get liquid doses of the cannabinoid CBD through their trunks. Early trials suggest they like it The Warsaw zoo has said it will start giving its elephants medical marijuana as part of a ground-breaking pilot project to test how it reduces their stress levels. Medical cannabis has been used worldwide to treat dogs and horses but “this is probably the first initiative of its kind for elephants,” Agnieszka Czujkowska, the veterinarian in charge of the project, said. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Dengue breakthrough after mosquitoes laced with natural bacteria

Infections in Indonesian city plummet after release of mosquitoes injected with Wolbachia bacteria Infecting mosquitoes with a naturally occurring bacteria dramatically reduces their ability to transmit dengue, according to a breakthrough study that could pave the way to eliminating the disease. Research conducted in Indonesia, where dengue is endemic, found that releasing mosquitoes infected with the bacteria Wolbachia into parts of Yogyakarta city reduced the number of dengue infections by 77% compared with untreated areas. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

How to install Java, and everything else you need to know

Whether you want to begin coding in Java or just wish to run Java apps, you first need to learn how to install Java. In this post, we’ll see how to do that. Why do you need to install Java? Programmers would describe Java as both being “compiled” and “interpreted.” This means that Java code can’t be understood natively by the computer but must first be “compiled” to a Java Bytecode. This Bytecode can then be run by any device that has the “Java Virtual Machine” installed. Alternatively, the code can be translated by software installed onto your machine. Suffice to say, that until you install Java, you won’t be able to run programs that are written in it. Seeing as a lot of apps we use every day are written in Java, that’s an issue! It also means that you need a slightly different installation, depending on whether you want to run Java apps or build them. To develop or run Java applications, you first need to install Java to act as an interpreter. For this, you’ll need the Java De

Mike Pence to address Republican convention amid Wisconsin police shooting protests

Vice-president expected to speak on ‘law and order’ and emphasize support for standing during national anthem Donald Trump’s coronation as the Republican presidential nominee continues on Wednesday evening with a convention address by his faithful lieutenant, Vice-President Mike Pence, and several Republican rising stars, as unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake threatens to overshadow the choreographed proceedings. Pence is due to speak from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, where the raising of the American flag during the war of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write the poem that would later become The Star-Spangled Banner. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Thousands flee US Gulf coastline as Hurricane Laura prompts fears of 20ft storm surge

Category 4 hurricane expected to hit Wednesday evening and bring storm surges up to 40 miles inland Thousands of residents were continuing to evacuate as the outer bands of Hurricane Laura lashed coastal communities in Louisiana and Texas on Wednesday afternoon, with forecasters describing the storm surge from the mammoth category 4 hurricane as “unsurvivable ”. The weather system is due to hit the US Gulf Coast late on Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning, as its center increased in ferocity about 175 miles south of Lake Charles in Louisiana, with sustained wind speeds of 140mph. Hundreds of thousands of people are now under evacuation order. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Prominent Yale law professor suspended after sexual harassment inquiry

Jed Rubenfeld confirmed he had been suspended and faced further teaching restrictions following two-year investigation A prominent law professor at Yale Law School who once argued that modern views about sexual consent encouraged people to think of themselves as sexual assault victims has been suspended for two years following an investigation by the university that he sexually harassed students. Jed Rubenfeld, who is married to Amy Chua, a fellow Yale law professor and bestselling author of the parenting guide Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , confirmed to the Guardian that he had been suspended and faced further restrictions on his teaching following a two-year internal investigation into his interactions with students. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Melania Trump offers condolences to families of Covid-19 victims in RNC speech

Remarks were a jarring reminder of pandemic, after an evening of misleading speeches that tried to minimize the public health crisis Melania Trump expressed sympathy to the Americans who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus pandemic, acknowledging the grim toll of a public health crisis the president has failed to contain during a keynote address on the second night of the Republican convention. Speaking from the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday, the first lady offered her condolences to the loved ones of the more than 178,000 Americans who have now died from the virus and the millions more who have been infected, casting her husband as the nation’s best hope to move past this grave chapter, despite widespread criticism of the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Hong Kong's terracotta tile army marches to the rescue for coral

Scientists are using 3D-printed hexagons to create artificial reefs after a super-typhoon brought devastation In 2018, a super-typhoon destroyed 80% of the corals in Hoi Ha Wan bay off the Sai Kung peninsula in Hong Kong. In the city’s strongest storm since records began, winds reached 155mph (250km/h) and battered the reefs, leaving behind mostly scattered debris and broken coral skeletons. A few coral species survived, but these will likely take decades to regrow to their former state. Sadly, this was no exception. Coral reefs are rapidly vanishing from the world’s oceans in large part because of the effects of global heating, which among other issues is increasing the frequency and severity of storms. In 2016 and 2017 alone, 89% of new corals on the Great Barrier Reef perished as a result of global heating-induced bleaching. Without decisive action to tackle the climate emergency, overfishing and pollution, it is estimated we will lose 70% to 90% of the world’s remaining coral r

‘Coming here is a necessity’: demand for food aid soars in US amid job losses

Nationwide the need for aid at food banks and pantries has surged amid worst unemployment rate in modern times Neisha Davis cradles brown paper lunch bags in the crook of one arm, while holding on to Demitri, her wriggling baby son, in the other and keeping a careful eye on Naya, her four-year-old daughter, as she runs around the church car park with another little girl. It’s hectic but the free packed lunches have become a crucial part of their daily nutrition. So everyday at noon the family make the two-mile journey from Homewood, a low income predominantly African American Pittsburgh neighbourhood with no grocery stores, to the East End Community Ministry’s pop-up lunch stall in East Liberty. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

RNC 2020: Trump hailed as a benevolent chief who deserves re-election

Speakers – including three members of the president’s family – spouted falsehoods about his character and his opponent The best courtroom dramas involve a defence lawyer who can work miracles of persuasion and, no matter how damning the evidence, convince the jury that their client is innocent. A week after Democratic prosecutors presented their “open and shut” case against Donald Trump, the virtual Republican national convention is not only attempting to get him off the hook but argue that he deserves a medal – and four more years in the White House. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

US proposes removing Sudan from terrorism list for $330m compensation

The payment would go to victims of al-Qaida but has caused anger in the poverty-stricken country A US proposal to remove Sudan from a list of states that sponsor terrorism – in exchange for a $330 million payment compensation to American victims of al-Qaida – has caused anger in the poverty-stricken east African country. Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state, visited Khartoum on Tuesday to underline US support for the new transitional government that took power following the fall of Omar al-Bashir last year, whose 30 year authoritarian rule saw Sudan become an international pariah. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT

Men going their own way: the toxic male separatist movement that is now mainstream

The men of the MGTOW movement aim to live their lives with no female contact. The idea began on the fringes of the internet – so how has it made it all the way to the White House? ‘There has been an awakening … changing the world … one man at a time.” These are the dramatic words that appear when you visit . In a video that looks a lot like an action-movie trailer, the words are soon followed by five more that appear to smash through the screen, smouldering fiery red: “Men … going … their … own way.” If you stumbled across this website and had never heard of “men going their own way” (MGTOW) before, you would probably assume this was a tiny, extreme movement. But you would be only half right. Continue reading... from World news | The Guardian via IFTTT