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New Zealand must match its Covid 'in this together' rhetoric with action on basic services | Max Harris

If the country is to honour the pandemic’s spirit of collective solidarity there must be a genuine commitment to healthcare and education New Zealand’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been a master-class in inclusive communication. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the country as a “team of six million”. The top public health official, Ashley Bloomfield, said: “The virus is the problem, not people ... people are the solution”. But the policies arising out of the pandemic, especially in the run-up to New Zealand’s election on 17 October , have not always been as inclusive as the communication. There’s a mismatch between universalist rhetoric in the pandemic response, and policy offerings that seem to give up on universalism in public services. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Global Microsoft outage brings down Office 365, Outlook and Teams

Microsoft says a recent update has affected the processing of authentication requests, making cloud-based services inaccessible Microsoft has said it is investigating an outage that brought down Microsoft’s cloud-based office services including the meetings software, Teams, worldwide. Microsoft reported issues with authentication for its cloud services at around 9.25pm UTC, meaning people were having issues logging into the online services Teams, Outlook and Office. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Breonna Taylor protests: anonymous juror sues to release transcripts from officers' trial

Grand juror says ‘absolute truth of how this matter was handled’ should be published as Louisville lifts curfew An anonymous juror has sued to release transcripts from the trial of three police officers accused of shooting and killing Breonna Taylor, saying that court documents from the closed proceedings should be published and that jurors should be able speak publicly about the case. “The full story and absolute truth of how this matter was handled from beginning to end is now an issue of great public interest and has become a large part of the discussion of public trust throughout the country,” the attorney for the juror wrote in the court filing. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Protests flare in Papua as students demand independence referendum

Police fire shots as crowds of demonstrators demand a vote on secession from Indonesia Unrest has flared in the restive Indonesian region of Papua with police firing shots during a protest by hundreds of university students in the provincial capital, Jayapura. The group was demonstrating against plans to extend a special autonomy law that protestors say has not done enough to help people in one of the country’s poorest regions. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Global coronavirus deaths pass 1m with no sign rate is slowing

Johns Hopkins University data points to rises in countries that seemed to have slowed spread Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage The number of people who have died from Covid-19 has exceeded 1 million, according to a tally of cases maintained by Johns Hopkins University, with no sign the global death rate is slowing and infections on the rise again in countries that were thought to be controlling their outbreaks months ago. The milestone was reached early on Tuesday morning UK time, nine months since authorities in China first announced the detection of a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. The first recorded death, that of a 61-year-old man in a hospital in the city, came 12 days later. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Dispirited but defiant, Hong Kong's spirit of resistance endures

Security law has largely stamped out anti-government protests, but the opposition is finding new ways to fight Tony Chung spends his days in fear and solitude. For the 19-year-old activist, who became the first political figure to be arrested under Hong Kong’s national security law , the spectre of prison looms large. Chung was arrested in late July with three other former members of the pro-independence group Studentlocalism – which he founded at the age of 15 – on suspicion of inciting secession under the law. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

One million coronavirus deaths: how did we get here?

Milestone is known toll of months of Covid pandemic that has changed everything, from power balances to everyday life Though an inevitable milestone for months, its arrival is still breathtaking. Deaths from Covid-19 exceeded 1 million people on Tuesday , according to a Johns Hopkins University database, the known toll of nine relentless months of a pandemic that has changed everything, from global balances of power to the mundane aspects of daily life. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian