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Novichok diagnosed within days, say Alexei Navalny's German doctors

Russian opposition leader says article in The Lancet holds the proof Vladimir Putin has demanded The Berlin doctors who treated Alexei Navalny have published clinical details of his novichok poisoning, in what the Russian opposition leader called the medical proof repeatedly denied by President Vladimir Putin. In an article in The Lancet medical journal, doctors at Berlin’s Charite hospital detail the symptoms observed as Navalny was admitted into their care in August. They provide information on his physical responses as infusions, treatments, CT scans and MRIs were carried out. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

UK pubs expect to serve 39m fewer pints over Christmas period

Period likely to be even bleaker as forecast made before Boris Johnson’s U-turn on Covid restrictions Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Pubs will serve 5m fewer Christmas dinners and 39m fewer pints over the festive period, as the tiered system of coronavirus restrictions condemned the struggling industry to its quietest festive period on record . Britain’s 47,200 pubs would usually have one of their most lucrative weeks of the year over Christmas, but 85% are now closed or unable to trade viably because they are outside tier 1, according to the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA). Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Donald Trump's latest wave of pardons includes Paul Manafort and Charles Kushner

President also gives clemency to Roger Stone in second round of pardons in 48 hours Donald Trump has pardoned another 26 people in his second major wave of clemency actions in fewer than 48 hours. In an audacious application of presidential power to reward loyalists, the US president pardoned his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his longtime adviser Roger Stone, and Charles Kushner, the father of his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Millions more join tier 4 Covid restrictions in England from Boxing Day

Oxfordshire, most of Hampshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, West Sussex and whole of East Sussex join strictest tier Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Millions more people in England are to be plunged into the toughest tier 4 restrictions from Boxing Day, it has been confirmed, as the government grapples to contain the “dangerous” spread of the new Covid variant. After ministers met on Wednesday morning to hammer out plans to combat the rising number of infections, the health secretary, Matt Hancock, announced that a series of locations in tier 2 – including Oxfordshire, most of Hampshire, West Sussex, the remainder of East Sussex not already in tier 4, as well as Brighton and Hove, Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire – would be placed under the toughest curbs on Saturday. Parts of Essex not already in tier 4 and Waverley, in Surrey, will join them. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Bluetits and Bluebells: Essex's open water swimmers – a photo essay

With fewer people travelling abroad this year, open water swimming has gained popularity in Essex, particularly among women. Photographs by Stefan Rousseau. Written by Sam Russell An Essex town is experiencing an explosion in popularity of cold water swimming. One Facebook page for people wanting to swim in Leigh-on-Sea, which launched in mid-October, reached almost 650 members within two months as numbers rocketed through lockdown 2. Swimmers say working from home has given people more time to enjoy simple pleasures and the sea allows a moment to step away from normal life in uncertain times. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

How did I mourn my mother? With Pet Shop Boys on the radio and plaster dust in my hair

There were no carols, no tree, no goose – but the Christmas I spent decorating my flat gave me the gift of peace It was on a plank suspended between stepladders over a three-storey stairwell that I finally knew for sure that I was a grownup. I was slimed with wallpaper paste, grizzled with plaster dust, and 28 years old. Pet Shop Boys belted out of the radio and for the first time in my life I was free to spend Christmas doing exactly what I wanted – which was to make a home of the perversely vertical flat my husband and I had bought a year earlier. I felt almost trippily alive – recklessly so, given the peril our first clumsy steps into home decoration involved. If we wanted to hang 12ft strips of wallpaper from a plank on top of two ladders, there was nobody to stop us. We were in it together, answerable only to ourselves. But for all that we remember it as one of our happiest times, the curious thing about the Christmas of 1987 is that, while we know Pet Shop Boys had the No 1 sin

Three police shot dead in central France

A 48-year-old man fired on officers trying to rescue a woman from a house in a hamlet near Saint-Just, according to a local report Three gendarmes have been shot dead, and a fourth wounded, in central France, the country’s national police force has said. The shooting reportedly took place while officers were attending a domestic violence incident. A 48-year-old man shot the officers on Tuesday night at an isolated hamlet near Saint-Just in the Puy-de-Dome region, after police tried to rescue a woman who had taken refuge in a house, according to news channel LCI . Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian