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Delayed Covid vaccines for poor countries 'will leave Europe vulnerable for years'

Wealthier countries will be dealing with coronavirus in 2022 and beyond, says UN humanitarian agency chief Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Poorer countries are unlikely to gain substantial access to Covid-19 vaccines until the latter half of next year, meaning wealthier European countries could still remain vulnerable to new waves of infection for years, the UN’s humanitarian chief has said. “For poorer countries there will be small quantities of vaccine conceivably in the second quarter of next year, probably not much more than that for a while after that, and it’s 2022 and beyond when the major progress is made,” Mark Lowcock, the under-secretary-general of the UN’s humanitarian agency OCHA, said in an interview. “That is a best judgment, recognising large quantities depend on the number of vaccines authorised, the manufacturing and then the solution the world comes to on who accesses what when.” Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guar

Pardons sink Trump further into swamp of his own shamelessness

Analysis: President sanctions first federal execution of a woman in 67 years – but war criminals, fraudsters and Russia-linked cronies go free Lisa Montgomery is set to become the first woman put to death by the US federal government in 67 years. On Tuesday senators including Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren wrote to the justice department demanding an investigation into an “unprecedented spree” of federal executions on Donald Trump’s watch. A few hours later the president announced a slew of 15 pardons . Strikingly they included four military contractors imprisoned for the killing of unarmed men, women and children in Iraq. In short, war criminals. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Claremont murderer Bradley Robert Edwards sentenced to at least 40 years behind bars

The 52-year-old killer was convicted in September of abducting and killing Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon in the 1990s Claremont killer Bradley Robert Edwards will likely die behind bars after a West Australian judge sentenced him to life in prison with a non-parole period of 40 years. Edwards, who terrorised Perth’s suburbs for almost a decade, showed no emotion in the supreme court on Wednesday after receiving his sentence, which was greeted with applause from the public gallery which included family members of his victims. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Coronavirus live news: Trump threatens not to sign Covid stimulus bill, France to reopen UK border

UK entrants to France must have negative Covid test ... Europe had nearly half world’s weekly deaths, says WHO ... Anthony Fauci ‘extremely confident’ in vaccine . Follow latest updates 4.12am GMT The new Covid variant in the UK is causing problems well beyond European countries imposing restrictions on entry from Britain. Singapore has banned entry from the UK from Wednesday night, which has significant implications for anyone who has flights booked through that destination as a stopping point to another country, like Australia. 3.55am GMT Austria’ s ski lifts may be operating but as the country struggles to control coronavirus infections, the sector expects a subdued season – and migrant workers who depend on it face an uncertain winter. AFP reports that in a normal year they would be part of one of Europe’s largest seasonal labour migrations. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Covid relief: Trump demands changes to sign $900bn bill

Outgoing president says $600 stimulus payout to most Americans should increase to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple Donald Trump has suggested he may not sign the bipartisan $900bn pandemic relief package that Congress passed on Monday night. Trump complained in a video that the bill delivered too much money to foreign countries and not enough to Americans. The bill has enough votes to override a veto should Trump decide to take that step. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Who has Donald Trump just pardoned? A guide to the key figures

From figures in the Russia investigation to former Republican lawmakers, a look at who’s who in the latest round of pardons Donald Trump has granted pardons to 15 people , a group that includes a former campaign aide, three former Republican lawmakers, a Dutch lawyer charged as part of the Russia investigation, and four former government contractors convicted of killing Iraqi civilians. He also commuted the sentences of five others. Here is what you need to know about the key figures. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian

Australia's grumpy cat: shelter staff bent on finding 'demonic' Chester a home

South Australian eight-year-old has lived in four homes already, but RSPCA says it’s about knowing how to handle him Returned to the RSPCA by four different families in the past seven years, “demonic” Chester may be the least-loved cat in Australia, but workers at the shelter are still determined to find him a home for Christmas. The grumpy eight-year-old moggie was described by his last owner as “anti-social” and “a real Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”. On his surrender form, the former owner wrote that while Chester was “great with chickens” and “tolerates the dogs”, he also “attacks our old cat and the neighbours”. She told the RSPCA that she had visitors who would not enter the house unless the cat was locked away. Continue reading... Source- World news | The Guardian